Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Polishing brass

While I was waiting for Mack Sails to come out and replace my main halyard I polished the brass towel holders by the sink.

I polished a couple of the hoops and the whale in this picture. As you can see they were really cruddy. the one in the upper right was the worst one as it was right by the window and must have gotten quite a bit of salt water on it. Its quite a difference that a few hours of polishing makes. I still have the hoop for the worst one yet to go but I can probably get that one done tomorrow. After I was done concragulating myself I realized there are 2 more behind the door and one is by a window and pretty bad. I think I will get a drill attachment for those and the last ring.

I went to grab some lunch when Mack Sails showed up so they were already pulling the new halyard through when I got back. They replaced it with Techron 2 line. They said it would not stiffen up and get wider like the old one did.

Here is one of their people up on the mast checking the block and lubricating it.

This is the reason I called them to replace it. The only way you are going to get me up there is if there is a big suitcase full of money.

They did a good job and were very quick. I think it took longer to write up the invoice and pay it than they took to get the job done. They should look into fixing that. :)

Someone caught some fish and were cleaning them at the fish cleaning station. the pelicans were looking for a free meal. I took this picture because I thought they were kind of cool. I am sure in a short time I will feel like everyone else and hate them like people hate geese in Minneapolis.

The guy cleaning fish is right behind the pole.

The sailboat you can see in the back is the Heather Anne. It came into Mariner Cay today. Its flagged Canadian but I am sure they are nice people. :)

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